XTM Inc. Company Update | XTM INC.
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XTM Inc. Company Update

MARCH 18, 2020

It’s been a tumultuous few weeks for us all. Silver lining is we managed to launch a successful listing on the CSE without any significant blockers. Within days the markets changed as they have every hour since with each day’s news and unique nuances; we are however holding fast to our strategy and are confident we will hold the course.


As our recent March 6 press release noted we have a number of restaurant and banking deals in the pipeline. This remains a fact though onboarding may experience some delays.


Our unicorn vertical is hospitality, however we are business people at the end of the day and we know diversification is a safe course. To this end, we continue to support revenues from our legacy business that includes Carlton Bell and Sunwing agent and employee incentive payouts.


And, as lean, unlayered companies like XTM can, we are quickly exploring opportunities that our current new normal exposed. We will keep you updated on this as we work tirelessly to put the pieces together.


We are always available to answer any questions, but remember: for every phone call it’s another 5 minutes we aren’t selling.


Stay well. We will update you again, in short order.


Marilyn Schaffer, CEO

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